Here at Chinook we believe in...
One God, who is our Father, and is the designer and creator of all things...His desire is to save, heal, bless, fulfill, and welcome us as sons and daughters into His family...
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, the firstborn of all creation, came into this world and gave His life and rose again to purchase humanity from sin and to invite us into His kingdom here on earth as joint- heirs...Through his sacrifice we are called THE SONS OF GOD and will spend eternity with him...
The Holy Spirit, who has been given to not only lead and guide us but to dwell within us, empowering us to become who we are called to be and to walk in His kingdom in righteousness, love, and power...he allows us to BE AS CHRIST ON EARTH...
We believe in God our Father, Jesus Christ our Redeemer and the Holy Spirit our Comforter...